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couverture film Heaven`s Lost Property Forte

Heaven`s Lost Property Forte

Date de parution : 17 juin 2024

Série : -
Catégorie : Science-Fiction - comedy
Public : 16+
Saison 1 - épisode 1You Strip, Too! The Return of the Full-frontal Hero
Tomoki Sakurai has another dream where the mysterious angel warns him of another Angeloid, and, after revealing the information to his friends,...
Saison 1 - épisode 2Bombshell! The Angel is a Big Boob
Finding himself increasingly bothered and aroused by the Angeloids' feminine ways, Tomoki retreats to the mountains to train at a Zen monastery....
Saison 1 - épisode 3A Proud-fought Battle!
After unexpectedly divulging secret information, Astraea attacks Sugata but is easily captured. Mikako offers to help train her against Tomoki. The...
Saison 1 - épisode 4Mortal Combat! Hot Spring Snowball Fight at 1.4° Below
Winter comes to the city, and Astraea is still far from completing her mission of eliminating Tomoki. Mikako reels her into another of her sadistic...
Saison 1 - épisode 5The Brother Who Came From Heaven
Sugata and Sohara use Nymph's Dive Game program to travel to Tomoki's dream world, which is revealed to be Synapse, a bunch of floating islands...
Saison 1 - épisode 6Reach a Decision! The Up and Down of Heaven and Hell
Astraea enrolls in Tomoki's class, but has to stay for remedial lessons, due to her lack of comprehension. After informing Tomoki that he is the...
Saison 1 - épisode 7Eating Watermelon Tomoki
Tomoki has a dream where Daedalus warns him of another Angeloid, who then interrupts the communication and chokes Ikaros. While Ikaros shops for...
Saison 1 - épisode 8The Song of the Angels Echoes in the Sky
Chaos causes Nymph to have multiple hallucinations of Tomoki abusing her constantly.While flying Ikaros sees Tomoki with Sohara and goes to search...
Saison 1 - épisode 9Shoot Out! Fishing At the Jumbo Carnival of Dreams
For this year's festival at the Satsukitane shrine, Mikako holds a "yo-yo" fishing contest where all the girls are tied up in a pool, and the guys...
Saison 1 - épisode 10Peek Into the Fantasy Field
Tomoki seeks some alone time from the girls, first in the bathroom until he is washed out, and then in a closet where he is almost cooked and then...
Saison 1 - épisode 11The Edge of an Indiscriminate Requiem
With Ikaros feeling ill, Tomoki and Sohara go to school where Sugata and Mikako are watching a typhoon soon approaching. Later, Astraea investigates...
Saison 1 - épisode 12Forte Wings Soaring for Tomorrow
Tomoki and Sugata return Chaos to Daedalus. Things return to normal, with Nymph restoring Ikaros's memories, and Tomoko later teaches Ikaros...
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