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Song of Azelred

Date de parution : 30 juillet 2021

Éditeur : Shockdom
Illustrateur : Luca Colandrea
Coloriste : Luca Colandrea
Collection : Yep !
Série : Song of Azelred
Catégorie : Fantasy
Public : 18
Isbn 9788893363433

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Description de Song of Azelred

Song of Azelred is a brief graphic novel that follows the story of Axel Red, a former rockstar who is obsessed with regaining his fame and having his name back in the media. After a series of clumsy events, he finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he embarks on a quest to regain his popularity. However, the story is lacking in depth and the character of Axel is unlikeable, making it difficult for readers to connect with the protagonist. The illustrations, created by Luca Colandrea, are also unremarkable and do not effectively convey the fantasy world. Overall, Song of Azelred is a mediocre graphic novel that fails to deliver on its premise.

Critique de Song of Azelred

Song of Azelred is a disappointing graphic novel that ultimately falls short of its potential. While the premise of an estranged rockstar entering a fantasy world has the potential to be intriguing, the story is severely lacking in depth. Axel's character is altogether unlikeable, and his constant desire for fame and notoriety comes across as shallow and uninteresting. Additionally, the fantastic elements of the story are not effectively conveyed through the illustrations, leaving readers unimmersed in the world of fantasy. The artwork of Luca Colandrea is average at best, with rough lines and a lack of detail that further detracts from the reading experience. Overall, Song of Azelred is a lackluster graphic novel that fails to leave a lasting impression on readers.
6Note générale
10Scénario / ambiance
10Illustration / couleur
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