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couverture bande-dessinee La ville qui rêve

La ville qui rêve

Môbius T2

Date de parution : 17 novembre 2021

Éditeur : Delcourt
Collection : Neopolis
Série : Môbius
Catégorie : Science-Fiction
Public : 18
Isbn 9782413010807

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Description de La ville qui rêve

Berg and Lee continue their pursuit of a killer through parallel worlds where travel causes successive deaths and resurrections. They arrive in the City that Dreams with a caravan attacked by the army of masks that controls the limbo, an inaccessible fringe of worlds. They reach the superb city of Kadath where the governor seems to have a plan with Berg. In this second episode, the universe densifies, the characters and their environment taking on greater significance. Igor Kordey's graphic part is inexhaustible in detail.

Critique de La ville qui rêve

Jean-Pierre Pécau shows originality with his concept of traveling through parallel worlds via successive deaths and resurrections. This second opus continues to explore this dense universe, each of its elements having been carefully thought out. However, the richness of the scenario fails to compensate for the lack of real stakes. Igor Kordey's drawings remain impressive but sometimes tend to overload the boards. In short, a mediocre comic book whose potential is unfortunately underused.

Auteur de la critique

13Note générale
10Scénario / ambiance
10Illustration / couleur
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