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couverture bande-dessinee Sur ordre de Washington

Sur ordre de Washington

Marshal Blueberry T1

Date de parution : 1 janvier 1991

Éditeur : Hachette
Collection : Collection Blueberry
Série : Marshal Blueberry
Catégorie : Western
Public : 18
Isbn 9782205050509
extrait bande-dessinee Sur ordre de Washington

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Description de Sur ordre de Washington

Marshal Blueberry T1 On the Order of Washington is a classic story where Mike S. Blueberry is sent by Colonel Clark to negotiate peace with Ay-Quah, the chief of a Native American tribe who has resumed attacking settlers. Blueberry demands that they hand over Chato, responsible for the recent massacres, which angers Ay-Quah. Meanwhile, some at Fort Navajo want to eliminate all 'savages' to solve the problem once and for all. The plot of the story is highly predictable and lacks originality.

Critique de Sur ordre de Washington

The biggest issue with Marshal Blueberry T1 is that the plot is highly formulaic. Giraud's story doesn't offer anything new to the readers, and it quickly becomes dull. Giraud, who is an outstanding illustrator, struggles to write a compelling narrative, and the story can't compete with those written by Charlier. Despite the limited dialogue, it lacks a convincing storyline. It is even more unfortunate given that the art from Spanish illustrator William Vance is outstanding. He handles the western atmosphere perfectly, and his drawings are breathtaking. Vance saves this Marshal Blueberry from being a complete flop, and the series still needs improvement to become a success.
6Note générale
13Scénario / ambiance
5Illustration / couleur
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