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couverture bande-dessinee Juke Box

Juke Box

Date de parution : 19 janvier 2011

Éditeur : Fluide Glacial
Illustrateur : Charles Berberian
Coloriste : Etienne Le Roux
Collection :
Série : Juke Box
Catégorie : Chronique sociale
Public : 18
Isbn 9782352070696
extrait bande-dessinee Juke Box

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Description de Juke Box

Juke Box Juke Box is a comic book by Charles Berberian that revisits the history of music in general, and rock music in particular, in a humorous tone. The jukebox is filled with iconic pieces, for imbeciles, depressed people, old people, collective boasting, as well as hits and duds. Berberian draws many archetypes of the music scene and his short stories, caustic or anecdotal, often make us laugh.

Critique de Juke Box

Juke Box Juke Box is a comic book that has something for every music lover out there. The book is often funny, with some moments that are more successful than others. One of the best things about this comic book is the way it lampoons certain clichés of the music industry. For instance, there's the Bretton band The Groixplosion, who are absolutely hilarious and endearing. On the other hand, there are groups that are too hip for their own good, like the Murnau Project, whose ambition is to reinterpret the original soundtracks of famous films. Berberian's caustic and anecdotal stories often make us laugh, for a light-hearted mix of nostalgia. The book is not without its flaws, however. For example, the episode about Bowie touring with Ziggy is a bit lackluster and feels like it could have been more interesting. Similarly, the part about Mick exaggerating falls flat. Overall, Juke Box Juke Box is a witty and enjoyable comic book that will appeal to music fans everywhere.
10Note générale
13Scénario / ambiance
8Illustration / couleur
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