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couverture bande-dessinee Géronimo (Matz-Jef)

Géronimo (Matz-Jef)

Date de parution : 15 mars 2017

Éditeur : Rue de Sèvres
Coloriste : Jef
Collection :
Série : Géronimo (Matz-Jef)
Catégorie : Western
Public : 18
Isbn 9782369813866
extrait bande-dessinee Géronimo (Matz-Jef)

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Description de Géronimo (Matz-Jef)

Géronimo (Matz-Jef) is a graphic novel that tells the story of Goyahkla, an Apache leader whose family was massacred by Mexicans. Driven by the desire for revenge, he gathers other Apache tribes to fight for thirty years. The book, which spans 120 pages, is easy to read thanks to an immersive pace and graphic narrative. The charismatic character of Géronimo is perfectly embodied by the realistic drawings of Jef.

Critique de Géronimo (Matz-Jef)

Although Géronimo is a credible and captivating biopic, it is rather mediocre compared to the previous works of the authors. The fact that several artists have tackled the biography of Géronimo is notable. However, the sequences without speech bubbles and full panels add to the immersive atmosphere of the book. The book is thick, but it is an easy read. The authors have done a good job of creating a captivating narrative, but it lacks the emotional depth and nuance of their earlier works. The visuals are stunning and add to the overall storytelling. The drawings are realistic and evoke a strong sense of time and place. The book is a good introduction to the life and times of Géronimo, but it could have been much more impactful.
13Note générale
16Scénario / ambiance
14Illustration / couleur
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