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La fin (intégrale)


Date de parution : 14 mai 2014

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Illustrateur : Carmen Carnero
Coloriste : Phil Noto
Collection : Monster Edition
Série : X-Factor
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809439380
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Description de La fin (intégrale)

X-Factor is a comic book series that was initially launched in the 1980s and had a limited success before ending in 1998. However, Marvel brought the series back to life in 2005 and tasked Peter David to take the reins. The series follows the adventures of Madrox and his team, who are members of the fictional Factor X Investigations. In the series, Madrox and Layla get married in Las Vegas, but their wedding night is interrupted by the murder of an Abraham Lincoln lookalike. As members of Factor X Investigations, they are assigned to investigate the case. X-Factor remained one of the most consistent and best superhero comic franchises in France, despite experiencing some turbulence. The series concludes with a final battle against evil forces, leaving readers satisfied that the adventures of Madrox and his team are not over yet.

Critique de La fin (intégrale)

X-Factor has enjoyed a long and successful run in the comic book industry. The series has been praised for its consistency and ability to captivate audiences with exciting storylines and well-crafted characters. The relaunch of the series saw an uptick in sales, thanks in no small part to its writer, Peter David. The main character, Madrox, and his team of investigators, including Layla, have a unique blend of superhero powers and detective skills that make them stand out from other superhero teams. Despite some setbacks in the French market, X-Factor is considered one of the most consistent franchises and has gained a loyal following. The final story arc wraps up all of the loose ends in a satisfying manner, leaving readers a sense of closure while also piquing their interests in what Madrox and team will do next. Fans can look forward to the team's return in the second wave All New Marvel Now, thanks to Peter David's guidance.
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