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couverture comics La nuit des tueurs de symbiotes

La nuit des tueurs de symbiotes


Date de parution : 2 janvier 2019

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Collection : Marvel Dark
Série : Venom
Catégorie : heroes - aventure
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809475883
extrait comics La nuit des tueurs de symbiotes

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Description de La nuit des tueurs de symbiotes

Flash Thompson, an agent of Venom, must control the symbiote with a sedative. He moves to Philadelphia to help the city and meets Toxin, the previous host of Venom. A battle ensues between the two heroes and their symbiote powers. While the story may lack originality, it is well executed with dynamic artwork by Declan Shalvey.

Critique de La nuit des tueurs de symbiotes

The narrative of the comic may feel conventional to readers seeking originality, as there have been other stories featuring battles between heroes and villainous symbiotes. However, the structure of the story is well-crafted, maintaining a good pace that makes the reading experience enjoyable. The artwork by Declan Shalvey enhances the energy of the plot, adding an extra layer of excitement. Ultimately, this comic will likely appeal most to fans of Venom who are looking for an entertaining story without too much complexity.

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