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Crime and punishment (kiosque)

Ultimate Avengers T6

Date de parution : 15 mars 2011

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Collection : Presse Marvel
Série : Ultimate Avengers
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809418781
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Description de Crime and punishment (kiosque)

Ultimate Avengers: Crime and Punishment is the second part of the animated movie series that follows the story of the Avengers. In this part, the team is waiting for Ghost Rider to arrive in front of the White House. However, Ghost Rider has already eliminated the members of a charity club before coming to the scene. The vice-president of the United States, who had made a deal with the devil, sells his soul to gain the powers of Ghost Rider. The Avengers have to face different versions of Ghost Rider before the real one arrives and puts an end to the fight.

Critique de Crime and punishment (kiosque)

While starting off on a good note, Ultimate Avengers: Crime and Punishment turns out to be predictable and lacking in originality. The plot is basic and the sequence of events is unexciting. The artwork by Leinil Francis Yu is inconsistent as some frames are good, while others are subpar. However, the ending is intriguing, and it gives some hope for the next part. Overall, Ultimate Avengers: Crime and Punishment is a mediocre addition to the Avengers franchise, which could have been better developed.

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