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couverture comics These Savage Shores

These Savage Shores

Date de parution : 19 août 2020

Éditeur : Hi Comics
Scénariste : Ram V
Coloriste : Stéphanie Hans
Collection :
Série : These Savage Shores
Catégorie : aventure
Public : 18
Isbn 9782378871604

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Description de These Savage Shores

These Savage Shores is an exciting comic series that follows the story of Alain Pierrefont, a vampire who is forced to flee London in 1766. He ends up traveling to a mysterious and wild land with the East India Company. During this adventure, he encounters various legendary creatures and a much more formidable enemy - British colonialism. The narration is propelled by the characters' correspondences, which allow readers to delve deeper into their personalities, accentuate the epic dimension of the story, and showcase tragic love stories.

Critique de These Savage Shores

These Savage Shores is a literary and artistic masterpiece. Sumit Kumar's drawings are magnificent and offer a mesmerizing journey through 17th century India. The skillful coloring by Vittorio Astone further accentuates the beautiful illustrations. The writing by Ram V, which weaves Indian legends and vampire tales together, is captivating. The characters' correspondences enhance the narration and provide readers with added immersion into the story. This comic is a wonderful surprise and deserves every bit of attention it garners. We eagerly await the next productions of these brilliant writers!
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