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couverture comics A feu et à sang

A feu et à sang

The Old Guard T1

Date de parution : 9 janvier 2019

Éditeur : Glénat
Coloriste : Michael Gaydos
Collection :
Série : The Old Guard
Catégorie : strange
Public : 18
Isbn 9782344033081
extrait comics A feu et à sang

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Description de A feu et à sang

The Old Guard T1 A feu et à sang is a graphic novel that follows the story of a team of immortal agents, Joe, Nicky, Booker, and Andy, who are recruited for a rescue mission in Sudan. The team's ability to survive is tested throughout the story, but their immortality also prevents them from forming attachments and living a normal life. In addition, a young American soldier becomes immortal during the mission. The novel features exciting action scenes and beautiful artwork but fails to stand out from other action-thrillers. The concept of immortality is intriguing, but the psychological implications of this condition are not explored enough in the plot.

Critique de A feu et à sang

Despite the visually stunning artwork and interesting premise, The Old Guard T1 A feu et à sang falls short on character development and plot depth. While the idea of immortality is compelling, it is not fully realized in the story. The lack of exploration of the psychological and emotional effects of immortality is a missed opportunity for the novel. The plot feels rushed, and the characters are not given enough depth to make them relatable or memorable. Overall, this graphic novel is a mediocre read for fans of action comics.
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