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Un monde parfait

The New Avengers (vol.3) T4

Date de parution : 6 avril 2016

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Collection : Marvel Now !
Série : The New Avengers (vol.3)
Catégorie : Science-Fiction
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809454703
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Description de Un monde parfait

The New Avengers (vol.3) continues in its fourth installment, titled 'A Perfect World,' as the Illuminati prepares to invade another parallel dimension planet to save their own Earth. However, doubts and remorse plague them when it is revealed that the people from the invading planet are heroes in their own world. The plotline is well-written by Jonathan Hickman, but the overall impact is average. The confrontation between the two groups of heroes lacks conviction, while the alternating artwork by Valerio Schiti and Salvador Larroca is efficient but lacks liveliness. Kev Walker's artwork towards the end of the comic may not be enjoyed by all readers. While this comic doesn't quite hit the mark in terms of excitement and suspense, it is still a decent addition to Hickman's impressive work in the Marvelverse.

Critique de Un monde parfait

Jonathan Hickman's writing is solid and impressive, but 'A Perfect World' fell short in terms of execution. The plot is intriguing, and the concept of parallel dimensions and exploring different perspectives is fascinating. However, the story's execution fell flat with little payoff or consequences for the characters. The group of heroes from the parallel dimension was poorly developed and lacked compelling motivations. The confrontation between the two groups was anticlimactic, and the comic fails to deliver on the promise of a high-stakes battle. The alternating artwork by Valerio Schiti and Salvador Larroca is efficient, but it lacks energy and excitement. While the comic is enjoyable, it doesn't leave a lasting impact, and the addition of Kev Walker's artwork towards the end may not be to everyone's taste. Overall, 'A Perfect World' is an average comic that falls short in terms of execution and falls short of expectations for a Hickman X-Men comic.
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13Scénario / ambiance
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