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couverture comics Pacifique noir

Pacifique noir

The Massive T1

Date de parution : 5 juin 2013

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Collection : Best of Fusion Comics
Série : The Massive
Catégorie : Anticipation
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809431445
extrait comics Pacifique noir

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Description de Pacifique noir

The Massive T1 Pacifique noir is a graphic novel that tells the story of an ecological intervention group who are searching for their missing ship amidst several months of unexplained ecological disasters. This original story, written by talented Brian Wood, blends politics and anticipation as it slowly introduces readers to its universe and characters. The artwork, by Kristian Donaldson and Garry Brown, is different in style but equally effective.

Critique de Pacifique noir

The first volume of The Massive is a promising but slightly underwhelming start to the series. While the story is interesting and unique, some readers may find certain parts long and tedious. The characters are mysterious and intriguing, but the way they are presented can feel disjointed at times. The differing art styles are both of good quality, but not exceptional. Overall, the book is decent, and fans of Brian Wood will appreciate the originality of the story, but it may not be for everyone.

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