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The Lust of us

Date de parution : 24 mai 2018

Éditeur : Dynamite
Illustrateur : Dickman
Scénariste : Hardlard
Collection :
Série : The Lust of us
Catégorie : erotic - Horreur
Public : 18
Isbn 9782362341670
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Description de The Lust of us

The Lust of Us is a zombie apocalypse story that follows Scarlett, an unfaithful woman, who is interrupted by her husband turned zombie. She escapes and meets with zombie police officers who end up raping her. She is saved by her immune friend, Lexi. The comic is authored by Hardlard and Dickman and is published by Dynamite.

Critique de The Lust of us

The combination of zombies and erotica seems intriguing, but The Lust of Us falls short of expectations with its implausible plot that primarily serves as an excuse for explicit rape and sex scenes between zombies and naked women. The explanation of immunity against zombies for certain individuals is poorly explained and inconsistent. However, this comic can be taken in lighthearted humor if approached with a second degree mindset. The comical pseudonyms used by its authors, Hardlard and Dickman, add levity to the reading experience. It is important to note that The Lust of Us should not be confused with The Walking Dead series by Charlie Adlard and Robert Kirkman, as they are vastly different.

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