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couverture comics Fierté et préjugés - 1ère partie

Fierté et préjugés - 1ère partie

The Formidables T1

Date de parution : 7 novembre 2014

Éditeur : Oniric Comics
Illustrateur : Chris Malgrain
Coloriste : Ronnie Del Carmen
Collection :
Série : The Formidables
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782359600407
extrait comics Fierté et préjugés - 1ère partie

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Description de Fierté et préjugés - 1ère partie

The Formidables T1 Fierté et préjugés is a comic book based on action, set in the prosperous American megalopolis of Arrow City in 1959. However, segregation is rampant, and an explosion attributed to Storm Fighter, a white supremacist, shakes the city. Frank Foster, who has the power to manipulate atoms since the explosion, teams up with Stalagmite, Janelle, Alex, and Mark to stop Storm Fighter.

Critique de Fierté et préjugés - 1ère partie

The Formidables T1 Fierté et préjugés is an action-packed comic book that also develops a rich universe set in the 1950s-60s of segregationist America. Chris Malgrain's writing is effective, even though the characters lack some depth. The drawings, influenced by John Byrne, are overall very good, but the color choices sometimes stifle the power of the line. Overall, this comic book shows a genuine love for the genre and will appeal to fans of old-school comics.

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