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couverture comics Temps mort

Temps mort

The Crow – Midnight legends, T2

Date de parution : 21 janvier 2015

Éditeur : Delcourt
Illustrateur : Francis Manapul
Coloriste : Brian Buccellato
Collection : Contrebande
Série : The Crow
Catégorie : strange
Public : 18
Isbn 9782756036038
extrait comics Temps mort

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Description de Temps mort

The Crow - Midnight Legends, T2 Temps mort is a comic book that tells the story of an American Indian returning a century later to revenge himself. While the beginning of the story is predictable, the later part is tumultuous and anxious. The illustrator, Alex Maleev, delivers impressive realistic panels.

Critique de Temps mort

Despite the talented illustrator and the quality of the panels, The Crow - Midnight Legends, T2 Temps mort's story is disappointing. The narrative is sluggish, and the plot twists do not work. The gloomy and gothic atmosphere that is characteristic of the series does not come through in this installment. It would have been great to see these magnificent illustrations supporting a more inspired and original story.

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