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Tu ne peux pas gagner (kiosque)

The Avengers (revue) – V 4, T25

Date de parution : 3 juillet 2015

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Collection : Presse Marvel
Série : The Avengers (revue)
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809452495
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The Avengers #38 and #39 are included in this issue, which is the fifth volume of The Avengers, along with #27 and #28 of the third volume of The New Avengers. Both teams are searching for ways to stop temporal incursions. In episode 16 of Avengers World, the story delves into the journey of a benevolent Doom. Jonathan Hickman continues to build a complex and difficult narrative puzzle, which may frustrate new readers. The magazine surprises us with its dimensional and temporal explorations, but the intricate plot construction can become tedious at times.

Critique de Tu ne peux pas gagner (kiosque)

After the success of the Infinity crossover event, writer Jonathan Hickman continues to construct a complex narrative puzzle, which may alienate new readers to the series. The plot threads are meticulously intertwined but at times can feel a bit grandiose. Hickman's second cycle leaves room for hope for the resolution of all threads but demands to be convincing. The episode of Avengers World that focuses on Doom's journey is different and promising, although the magazine's insistence on surprising readers may end up tiring them out.
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