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Des trous dans le ciel (kiosque)

The Avengers (revue) – V 3, T7

Date de parution : 4 janvier 2013

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Illustrateur : Dexter Soy
Coloriste : Dexter Soy
Collection : Presse Marvel
Série : The Avengers (revue)
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809429589
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Description de Des trous dans le ciel (kiosque)

The Avengers (revue) – V 3, T7 Des trous dans le ciel (kiosque) is a comic book that features five different stories related to the Avengers. These stories include Avengers Assemble (episode 5), Avengers (vol.4) (episode 27), Captain America (vol.6) (episode 13), Captain America & Iron Man (episode 634), and Captain Marvel (vol.6) (episode 1). The series is the product of a collective effort from several talented writers and artists. Avengers Assemble, the first story in the comic book, appears unimpressive, with poorly executed drawings by Mark Bagley. The plot seems subpar, and it fails to captivate the readers. In addition, Walter Simonson's artwork may not appeal to everyone, and the style appears out of touch compared to modern comics. The comic book fails to leave a lasting impact, making it seem like an unnecessary tie-in to other Marvelverse stories. However, the comic book picks up momentum with Ed Brubaker's Captain America story, where Steve Rogers's acquaintance transforms into a skilled assassin. The art is fantastic, featuring Patrick Zircher's impeccable work, and the plot never loses its momentum. In addition, Cullen Bunn's straightforward yet entertaining account of Captain America and Tony Stark's adventure is a decent read, with Barry Kitson handling the drawings remarkably well. The comic book ends with the much-anticipated first episode of the new Captain Marvel series, crafted expertly by Kelly Sue DeConnick and illustrated by Dexter Soy. Overall, The Avengers (revue) – V 3, T7 Des trous dans le ciel (kiosque) varies in quality, with some parts of the comic book failing to captivate the reader, while others hit the sweet spot.

Critique de Des trous dans le ciel (kiosque)

The comic book features an impressive cast of writers and artists, but the quality of the work varies. While Brian Michael Bendis has an impressive portfolio of works, his plot for Avengers Assemble is poorly executed by Mark Bagley's drawings, leaving a lot to be desired. Similarly, Simonson's artwork may not appeal to everyone, which may impact the readers' enjoyment. Nonetheless, Brubaker's Captain America story is the highlight of the comic book. The story is captivating, and the art is fantastic. Patrick Zircher's contributions are impeccable, creating a memorable visual experience for the readers. Similarly, Cullen Bunn's straightforward yet entertaining account of Captain America and Tony Stark's adventure is a decent read, with Kitson handling the drawings exceptionally well. Overall, the comic book provides a mixed bag of content, with some parts of the comics exceeding expectations and others falling short.
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