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couverture comics The Activity T2

The Activity T2

Date de parution : 9 octobre 2015

Éditeur : Urban Comics
Illustrateur : Mark Laming
Coloriste : Mitch Breitweiser
Collection : Urban Indies
Série : The Activity
Catégorie : Espionnage - Guerre
Public : 18
Isbn 9782365776943
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Description de The Activity T2

The Activity T2 is a comic book series that follows a unit of American soldiers who are sent to a village in the southern region of Pene Molalo City, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to meet with the leader of the resistance. The series is inspired by real-life Black Ops and soldiers who do the dirty work. The main characters are part of secret units and are often abandoned by their governments in their missions. The comic book series presents a realistic portrayal of military operations and the geopolitical context in which they take place.

Critique de The Activity T2

The Activity is a comic book series that prides itself on its realistic portrayal of military operations and the current geopolitical context. Some readers might find it overly patriotic and propagandistic, but it does not take away from the fact that the characters aren't portrayed as saviors. The comic book series can appeal to fans of war comics, but it can also intimidate readers who are unfamiliar with the realistic portrayal of secret military operations. The artwork by Mark Laming is very effective in immersing the readers in the covert operations portrayed in the story. In conclusion, The Activity can satisfy fans of realistic war comics, but it can also confront other readers with the harsh reality of secret military operations.
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