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couverture comics Crucifixion (intégrale)

Crucifixion (intégrale)

Spawn – Archives, T7

Date de parution : 23 septembre 2009

Éditeur : Delcourt
Collection : Contrebande
Série : Spawn
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782756017730
extrait comics Crucifixion (intégrale)

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Description de Crucifixion (intégrale)

Spawn Archives Volume 7 is a well-presented edition of Todd McFarlane's popular series, featuring the story of Al Simmons, a lieutenant who is murdered by an unknown assailant but is brought back to Earth as a Hellspawn by making a deal with Malebolgia, the master of the eighth demonic circle. His primary objective is to find his wife Wanda, but upon his return, he discovers that five years have passed, and the love of his life has married his best friend, Terry. As Al tries to unravel the enigma behind his death, he uses his powers as Hellspawn to protect the vulnerable from harm.

Critique de Crucifixion (intégrale)

Spawn Archives Volume 7 is a must-have book for fans of the Hellspawn series. The artwork by Greg Capullo is still as impressive as ever, with no loss in quality, and the comic doesn't lack humor, though humor in no way detracts from the somber atmosphere. Although the summary is useful, the plot remains dense and challenging to navigate. The narration has some pacing and stakes issues, with some sections being too verbose and uneventful. Despite this, Spawn Archives Volume 7 is still a vital addition to any comic book collection.
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