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Réflexion (intégrale)

Spawn – Archives, T3

Date de parution : 1 septembre 2007

Éditeur : Delcourt
Illustrateur : Todd McFarlane
Coloriste : Quinn Suplee
Collection : Contrebande
Série : Spawn
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782756010809
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Description de Réflexion (intégrale)

Al Simmons, an ex-Marine and CIA member, was murdered and sent to Hell. He made a deal with Malebolgia, the ruler of the eighth circle of Hell, to come back to Earth and see his wife Wanda again. However, Al came back as a Hellspawn, a demonic soldier, and found that Wanda has since remarried and had a daughter. In this third volume, Al attempts to take control of his life and investigate the reasons behind his death. Along the way, he fights to protect the homeless, and the evolution of his suit reflects his choices.

Critique de Réflexion (intégrale)

The third volume of Spawn is a mixed bag. The beginning is standard, but the character takes on a new dimension when he decides to help the homeless. The artwork is of excellent quality, but the absence of the Heaven battle is a drawback. Alan Moore contributes four stories to this volume, which are all united under the title Blood Feud. While the hero is determined to take control of his life, not all the stories are interesting, particularly the one featuring the KluKluxKlan. This volume is advised for comic book lovers, but it is not the best in the series.

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