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couverture comics Sky pirates of Neo Terra T2

Sky pirates of Neo Terra T2

Date de parution : 22 juin 2011

Éditeur : Soleil
Illustrateur : d'Errico
Scénariste : Tyler Sigman
Coloriste : Jeff Simpson
Collection : US comics
Série : Sky pirates of Neo Terra
Catégorie : Fantasy
Public : 18
Isbn 9782302017474
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Description de Sky pirates of Neo Terra T2

Sky pirates of Neo Terria is a video game that has yet to be released in France. The story begins with Suma being kidnapped by the King-pirate's men, who are flying through the air. Billy, Suma's friend, refuses to give up and uses a wing glider to take down some of the kidnappers. However, Suma falls during the struggle and finds herself in an unfamiliar dark place. Meanwhile, Billy spots Suma being attacked by a mysterious creature wearing a skull as a helmet. Suma is eventually offered the chance to participate in the game by the King-pirate but declines.

Critique de Sky pirates of Neo Terra T2

While Sky pirates of Neo Terria has already been adapted into a comic, this sequel fails to deliver an exciting story with well-executed action sequences. The race scenes lack coherence and fail to generate a sense of epicness. Furthermore, the artwork lacks dynamism, and the pastel coloring fails to compensate for the deficiencies in visual quality. Although the adaptation shows promise, it fails to follow through with its potential, which is unfortunate.

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