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couverture comics Les Titans microcosmiques (intégrale)

Les Titans microcosmiques (intégrale)

Mikros T1

Date de parution : 23 octobre 2013

Éditeur : Delcourt
Illustrateur : Jean-Yves Mitton
Collection : Comics Fabric
Série : Mikros
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782756048017
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Description de Les Titans microcosmiques (intégrale)

Mikros is a French superhero comic created by Jean-Yves Mitton. The story revolves around Mike Ross, Priscilla Conway, and Bobby Crabb, who are abducted by aliens known as the Svizz. The aliens endow them with superpowers to help them conquer Earth. However, our heroes soon realize the alien's true intentions and rebel against the invasion. The story is unique and imaginative, but the quirky premise may not appeal to all readers.

Critique de Les Titans microcosmiques (intégrale)

Mitton's mastery of the comics' codes of the era is evident in Mikros. However, the dialogues can be cringe-worthy at times. The irreverence and insolence of the characters are unfortunately censored. Nevertheless, the black and white archive editions offer a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of France's most beloved superhero trio. In later Mikros adventures, the themes become more somber and explicit. Delcourt's integral edition is not only a nostalgic trip down memory lane but also an excellent introduction to the genius of Jean-Yves Mitton.

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