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couverture comics The Thanos Imperative

The Thanos Imperative

Marvel Comics, la collection de référence T71

Date de parution : 27 juillet 2017

Éditeur : Hachette
Collection :
Série : Marvel Comics, la collection de référence
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
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Description de The Thanos Imperative

The Thanos Imperative is a story that features the return of the Mad Titan Thanos, who becomes a powerful ally for the Marvel heroes in the universe. The story is set in the galaxy, where the evil forces are once again poised to take control of the universe. The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy need a strong ally to fight against them, and Thanos, having been brought back to life, seems to fit the bill perfectly. However, the comic suffers from poor artwork that detracts from the overall experience.

Critique de The Thanos Imperative

The Thanos Imperative has an unremarkable storyline that lacks originality, meaning it won't surprise avid fans of the previous galactic events in the Marvel universe. But what makes this comic even more disappointing is the poor quality of the artwork. Miguel Sepulveda's and Brad Walker's illustrations are unattractive and unimpressive, appearing to make a terrible attempt to depict the grandeur of the cosmic realm. While some panels have dazzling space views, the rest of the graphics are borderline grotesque. The unfortunate combination of the unremarkable storyline and the unappealing artwork makes The Thanos Imperative unexciting and dispensable.
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