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couverture comics La conquête d'Hollywood

La conquête d'Hollywood

Faith T1

Date de parution : 13 avril 2017

Éditeur : Bliss Comics
Scénariste : Jody Houser
Collection :
Série : Faith
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782375780794
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Description de La conquête d'Hollywood

Faith Herbert is a character who has quickly become beloved by many comic book fans. She was orphaned as a child, and like many who experience loss, she found solace and comfort in the world of comics and TV shows. Faith is unique, however, because when her psiotique abilities manifested, she chose to use them to help others. She joined up with a group of psiotiques known as the Renegades and fought against enemies led by Toyo Harada. Despite the weight of her responsibilities as a superhero, Faith tries to live a normal life as a journalist named Summer Smith. But when danger arises, she transforms into her alter ego Zephyr and becomes the hero her city needs. In this adventure, Faith searches for those who need her help in Los Angeles.

Critique de La conquête d'Hollywood

Faith is a breath of fresh air in the comic book world, where female characters are often portrayed with unrealistic body types and subdued personalities. Jody Houser's writing creates a likable and endearing heroine who leads a dual life as a journalist and a superhero. The storyline takes some unexpected turns, which keep readers on their toes and excited to see what comes next. The artwork, mostly done by Francis Portela with a few pages by Marguerite Sauvage, is stunning. It captures Faith's personality and energy perfectly, and it's honestly a feast for the eyes. Overall, Faith's presence in the comics industry is undeniable, and the series rightly stands out among its peers. Fans of good storytelling, with strong and unique characters, should definitely check out Faith. The series is a great example of how comic books can give representation to people and perspectives that are typically underrepresented in mainstream media.
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