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Death of a nation

Doggybags T9

Date de parution : 19 février 2016

Éditeur : Ankama
Illustrateur : Philippe Auger
Coloriste : Philippe Auger
Collection : Label 619
Série : Doggybags
Catégorie : Mondes décalés - Sport
Public : 18
Isbn 9782359108637
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Description de Death of a nation

Doggybags T9 Death of a Nation is a comic book published by Ankama and contains three stories. The first story, Patriot Act, follows a media mogul who has created an amusement park filled with real zombies used as entertainment. The second story, Operation Wonderland, describes a rescue mission led by soldiers to save the survivors of the zombie invasion in the Patriot Park. Finally, in The Last President, the American president is faced with a zombie invasion at the White House.

Critique de Death of a nation

Although Doggybags T9 Death of a Nation is an original zombie story, the comic's reviews have been somewhat average. The first story is particularly successful in its writing, but the lack of precision in the panels of some of the stories is a bit disappointing. Although the series is known for its daring and inventive authors, this volume does not shine as brightly as its predecessors. However, fans of the genre can still appreciate the nightmarish stories offered in this comic book. One of the strengths of the comic is its ability to blend horror and satire, creating an interesting commentary on society's obsession with entertainment and the media's influence on public opinion. However, this theme is not explored as deeply as it could be, which leaves the reader wanting more. The artwork in the comic is generally good, but there are some inconsistencies in the style and quality of the panels. Some panels are breathtakingly detailed and imaginative, while others feel rushed and lack the same level of attention to detail. Overall, Doggybags T9 Death of a Nation is a decent addition to the series, but it doesn't quite reach the heights of some of its predecessors. It's a worthwhile read for fans of the zombie genre, but those looking for a more in-depth exploration of the comic's themes may be left wanting.
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