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Bonnes évolutions (intégrale)

Deadpool (vol.3) T2

Date de parution : 2 juillet 2014

Éditeur : Panini Comics
Illustrateur : Walter McDaniel
Collection : Marvel Select
Série : Deadpool (vol.3)
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782809440010
extrait comics Bonnes évolutions (intégrale)

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Description de Bonnes évolutions (intégrale)

Deadpool, aka Wade Wilson, is going through a chaotic time with the old blind lady at his home and his relationship with Mary Typhoid. He then decides to take out his frustrations on some clients at the Hellhouse. His friend Patch tries to find him a mission, but heroes aren't really in fashion since the debacle with Onslaught. Eventually, Deadpool receives a job offer from a client to help him fight the night that has taken over his kingdom. But he finds himself drugged and wakes up in a strange place with Deathtrap by his side.

Critique de Bonnes évolutions (intégrale)

The 'budget' edition of Marvel Select brings readers the Joe Kelly run on Deadpool, with the second installment titled 'Good Evolutions.' The nine episodes offer a series of jokes and outrageous plot twists, particularly with the flashback sequences where Wade imagines himself in Peter Parker's shoes. The artwork by Ed McGuinness and Pete Woods is of good quality. However, the humor can be challenging to appreciate, perhaps due to a very academic translation. Despite this, this album allows fans to discover the first steps of their favorite hero in a relatively entertaining manner. The character development is well done, showing Deadpool as more than just the typical anti-hero, and providing a glimpse into his complicated personal life. Overall, 'Good Evolutions' is a worthy addition to any Deadpool fan's collection.
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