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couverture comics Bloodshot U.S.A.

Bloodshot U.S.A.

Date de parution : 29 septembre 2017

Éditeur : Bliss Comics
Collection :
Série : Bloodshot U.S.A.
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9782375780220
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Description de Bloodshot U.S.A.

Bloodshot U.S.A. is a comic book that follows the story of Projet Rising Spirit, who uses nanites to spread a viral weapon in New York, turning each inhabitant into a potential killer. Bloodshot, Livewire, and Ninjak join forces to stop this threat. The story is thrilling and action-packed, featuring multiple characters from the Valiant universe. The artwork by Doug Braithwaite adds an exciting blockbuster element to the comic, complemented by the prologue illustrated by Renato Guedes. Fans of Bloodshot will not be disappointed and can look forward to the character's appearance in the upcoming Bloodshot Salvation in 2018, also written by Jeff Lemire.

Critique de Bloodshot U.S.A.

Jeff Lemire's writing for Bloodshot U.S.A. is exceptional, as he demonstrates his expertise with the character and the Valiant universe. The concept of the nanite virus is an excellent addition to the story, providing an intriguing twist that keeps the readers engaged. The book's pacing is fast-paced, offering non-stop action sequences involving various heroes and villains. The artwork by Doug Braithwaite is a standout, as it flawlessly captures the tone and atmosphere of the story, creating stunning visuals that add to the excitement of the narrative. The prologue illustrated by Renato Guedes is a bonus, providing readers with a glimpse into the backstory of the story. Overall, Bloodshot U.S.A. is an entertaining and thrilling comic that is sure to please fans of the genre and the Valiant universe.
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