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couverture comics Batman Dark Knight III T3

Batman Dark Knight III T3

Date de parution : 24 mars 2017

Éditeur : Urban Comics
Illustrateur : Frank Miller
Collection : DC Essentiels
Série : Batman Dark Knight III
Catégorie : heroes
Public : 18
Isbn 9791026810162
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Description de Batman Dark Knight III T3

Batman Dark Knight III T3 starts with the invasion of Kandorians and their leader, Quar, on the city of Gotham, which is on fire and chaos. Batman entrusts Carrie Kelley with a mission to retrieve the body of Superman, who is frozen and trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Once freed, Superman can join the plan devised by Batman to defeat the Kandorians, who are vulnerable to synthetic kryptonite.

Critique de Batman Dark Knight III T3

The third installment of Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello's Dark Knight series does not disappoint. Batman's plan to defeat the Kandorians is effective despite their divine power and shows that the Dark Knight still has what it takes despite his age. The artwork by Andy Kubert is impressive and complements Miller's original graphic design very well. The only downside is that Miller's short illustrated stories no longer have the same impact as before, but they are well inked by Klaus Janson. This series will delight fans of Miller's storytelling style.

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